Frequently asked questions.
How often do you service my property per your Business Policies?
Our business policies are to accommodate your schedule as best as we can. Most of our customers prefer service once a week. We have other service schedules which are monthly, and one-time-only-blanket cleaning. We cannot guarantee a certain time during the day to service your yard.Having a party, picnic, or outdoor gathering? Just let us know and we will schedule your cleaning around that date or set up an extra visit. If you would like to know more about additional service options, please call or email us.
How do I Cancel/Suspend Service?
Yes,this is a month to month agreement but If you need to suspend or cancel service, simply click ‘Contact Us’, email or mail written notification, and we’ll gladly accommodate you. All cancellations or putting your account on hold must be in before the 20th of any month. Any notices received on the 20th or after you will still be responsible for that month.
What is a 1st time Blanket Cleaning? Is there an extra charge for the first time?
For our initial Blanket Cleaning, we will clean your yard from top to bottom, then deodorize the areas and remove the waste from the premises. This is generally done if the yard has not been cleaned before. Our Blanket cleanings generally range between $45-$100 with your prior approval. The deodorizer spray is a one-time only service with the blanket cleaning. It is NOT a weekly or a monthly service unless you authorize for this extra service.
We work all year long even through the winter! What happens when it rains, snows or there is extreme weather conditions or customer cancellations?
Yes.Dogs keep making their messes all year long, and our company continues to clean up and remove dog waste through the winter. We will work in most weather, but heavy rain, snow, or a declared State of Emergency can stop us. If there is more than an inch of snow or rain, we will postpone that day’s service until the next week. If there is an extreme weather condition, reasons beyond our control, or payment issues that will prevent us from completing that week’s work, we will follow up the following week to clean your yard. Unfortunately, we are unable to inform everyone personally if we are not coming out for the day. We do at times post it on our Facebook page. If snow stays on the ground for more than a week, but there is no new snow to cover it, we will do regular cleanups to prevent excessive accumulation. If the customer cancels or request for us not to come on their service day, we will not be able to service your yard on another day do to our specific scheduled routes. If any of the aforementioned occurs, the previous week however, will not be credited, due to our workload being doubled when we return.
What type of equipment do you use? What do you do with the waste?
For our residential clients, we have a scooper made to hold large quantities of waste. Once we pick up the feces, we bag the waste and remove it from your premises. For your protection as well as ours, we clean and disinfect our equipment and work boots after each service. This is how we ensure we do not bring or take any parasites or pathogens with us.
What type of Deodorizer do you use? Is it safe for my children/ pets?
We use all natural products to disinfect and deodorize your lawn. These products are safe, non-toxic, and will not harm your pets or children. In fact, when applied weekly, we’ve received rave reviews about the refreshing scent, and we’ve heard the amount of pesky bugs has been reduced in the areas we spray. These products have several uses especially in the home when your pet has an accident, or an area that smells. Ask us about pricing for this service.
What are your Hours of Operation? What about holidays?
Our office hours are Monday thru Thursday 9am to 5pm—Friday 9am to 4pm. If you call or email after hours or on the weekend, we will return all calls and emails on Monday after 9am. We are sorry we do not service yards on major holidays. When a holiday falls on a regular service day, we will not be able to service your yard that day. Service returns to the regular day the following week. Unfortunately, we are unable to inform everyone personally if we are not coming out for the day. We do at times post it on our Facebook page. The previous week however will not be credited due to our workload being doubled when we return.
Should I unlock my gate?
Yes.Since employees are not to climb or jump over fences, please have your gate unlocked on your service day. You may provide us with a key to the lock or tell us the combination if that will be convenient for you. Please note, if your gate is locked, too difficult to get in (due to objects or faulty gate pins or handles) or the dog will not allow us to clean the yard when we come to do the work, your service charge will be incurred. We are not able to service your yard on another day do to our specific scheduled routes. If any of the aforementioned occurs, the previous week however, will not be credited, due to our workload being doubled when we return.
Can we work with your dog in the yard?
In most cases, yes. We get along well with dogs, however, there are some cases when a dog will not let our worker into the yard. If you know that your dog is not good with strangers, or it becomes apparent that your dog will not allow us to clean the yard, then we ask that you restrain or confine the dog. We do not want to take unnecessary risks with your dog or our employees. If payment is made. Any other services that we offer that is not paid by the due date are also subject to any and all late fees. There is a minimum fee of $10.00 if the 15% does not meet the requirement.
If you pay by personal check or cash, we will not come out to check to see if payment has been made. Please make sure you have made a confirmation that you have left it. If we arrive to service your yard and you have made arrangements to leave the payment and the payment was not left, there will be a $10.00 travel fee added to that month’s service payment. All payments/charges will have to be mailed in and paid before we will return to service your yard. To ensure your service is not interrupted please set up your payments through your bank on the online bill pay section and they will send them to us. The previous week however will not be credited due to our workload being
doubled when we return.